Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Don't you sometimes hate family's?

Big dude- bad brain -bad heart - eveything else is not so good either. I am in a new unit today. One I don't often work in. The big dude has had the same two therapists for the last week. I am new - (in this unit) so family equates that with new = incompetent. They keep asking me assinine questions like "Well, the therapist yesterday didn't have to change is oxygen level - why are you changing it?" "The therapist yesterday didn't have that peak pressure thing that high - what are you doing that it is so high today?" And even more snide remarks like "Maybe they shouldn't let the regular therapists have a vacation - hahaha".

I want to answer - well see your husband is a human - not a mannequin. Lungs get worse, bodies get tired, fluids get out of whack, stuff happens. So shut the crap up - or get out of the unit - and let me do my job.

Today - I hate familys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of assclowns. I hate it when families act like that; I usually ignore them.

Seriously though...assclowns.