Saturday, October 26, 2013

Staff Meeting - the reason I'm on Prilosec

Can I just say how much I HATE staff meeting. Maybe "hate" is not the right word.... ummm detest, loathe, abhor. I have never yet come out of a staff meeting feeling like management thinks any of us are competent. It is two hours of either a new process that is going to make my life hard, new paperwork that is going to make my life hard, new device we are not really going to get trained on but expected to use - which makes my life hard, or why aren't you guys doing anything right????? All this by management that is not even remotely clinical.

So we are trying to up our satisfaction score. Apparantly reimburesement is tied to this - thank you Obama. There is a desperate attempt to make every single patient happy. The underlying problem is that I am an RT. I don't do one single thing that isn't uncomfortable or downright painful. I suck snot out of your lungs, I shove tubes up your nose, I stick needles in your arm, I make you cough and deep breath with an abdominial incision.

So I listen to the staff meeting spiels - the first speaker is a complete idiot I have absolutely no respect for so I blow that one off. The second was interesting and although I don't agree with their basic premise I do think that okay I probably could work a little harder at a pleasant deamanor, calling people by "Mr. or Ms." etc.

First patient of the day. I am set. I have worked thouroghly on my attitude. I am going to help this gentleman today. I am going to get high scores. I am going to go out of my way to be pleasant. He tells me to "fuck off".

Looks like our remiburesement is going to suck.

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